Birthday Song RED WARRIORS The World of Red Warriors 抱きしめたい Mr.Children 1/42 (Disc 2) ユビキリ スガシカオ Sugarless  Cathain  Liam Ó Maonlai Common Ground: Voices Of Modern Irish Music 灯り HEATWAVE NO REGRETS 1 Like A Rolling Stone Bob Dylan The Bootleg Series, Vol. 4: Bob Dylan Live, 1966: The Royal Albert Hall Concert [Live] [Disc 2] Take It Easy Jackson Browne Best Of...Live ブルーの見解 佐野元春 with THE HEARTLAND THE GOLDEN RING LIVE 1983-1994 (Disc 2) 終りなき疾走 浜田省吾 ON THE ROAD 2001 Murray [2011 Remaster]  Pete Yorn Musicforthemorningafter [Disc 1]